Wow, it's really hard to keep up with this blog when there isn't much to talk about. I've been auditioning for projects here in Florida and nothing has come through yet. So what do you do when they won't hire you??? You make your own projects. This is my buddy Darrell and we have worked together on other projects that I created in the past. We've mostly done stage productions together but now we are going to collaborate on a film project together. I'm so excited about it because we have got some really funny stuff to write about. The only challenge will be to make the writing flow well and give it a respectiful story line. I'm open to suggestions, so if you want to post a thought or two, please let me know and we'll give it some thought. Writing is a difficult process for me so I'm hoping we can pull this off. Okay, that is all I have for now, sorry it took so long to get this blog up after the last one I posted. I'll get the hang of this soon enough.
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