It's been rough here in Florida trying to find work! Geez can a sista girl get a break. Hanging in there and still working on a couple of projects that are taking longer than I expected. Drove to Orlando yesterday for an audition for a print ad job....we'll see what happens with that one. So at the audition yesterday I get there and some of the girls looked similiar to me and some of them didn't have a clue about how to look for a print ad job, but you know what, it's usually the ones who you don't think should get the job that end of getting the job. It's always a learning experience when you go on an audition. You see everyone checking everyone out, sizing people up, thinking about them getting the job instead of you or wondering why they shouldn't get the job and you should. It's all a head game going on auditions, personally I hate the process, but it is a necessary evil in this business. I'll be re-cuting my "Germans in America" video within the next week with hopes to get the sound quality better. I originally did that project for a college class but I would like to polish it up to make it more professional. I see a lot of potential with that piece of work, just not sure where it will lead yet....I'll keep pushing. Okay, goodbye for now.
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