Happy to be on set! |
I get these wonderful insperational post from David Breslow and they have really helped me to stay on track with my career and all the other gazillion things I'm doing. I haven't had a post on my blog in a while and that is because auditions have slowed down a bit and I haven't booked anything lately. I try to use the time that I am not working to focus on my skills and bettering myself by working out, attending acting class and eating right. I worked on a commericial this week and flying out to Pensacola for a modeling job next week. I guess things are starting to pick back up, however because of my down time, I'm prepared to meet opportunity when it comes. So back to David, yes, he sends me these wonderful emails and the last one was titled "You're either strengthening yourself or you're not". My goal was to focus on making myself better in everyway possible in which I had the control to do. I didn't have control over that fact that audition calls were slow or that I didn't book any recent jobs that I had auditioned for but I did have control to keep myself moving forward and to continually make myself feel valuable even if the phone wasn't ringing. One of the ways I was able to do that was to remember what David said, "What we say, think, feel and do every day will massively impact us more than we might realize and its impact will either strengthen you or it will not." I know it sounds like something you've heard a million times, but it is so true! My biggest enemy is myself and the bad habits I created when I would think negative thoughts about myself didn't help. With that in mind, no matter what I want out of life, the most important relationship I have is the one I have with msyelf.
Fellow actors I met on set. |
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