Time to get serious and raise some thought provoking questions about why people text and drive. Is what you need to communicate that important that you have to do it while driving? Texting and driving can cause life changing consequences to your life, and to be completely honest with you I am guilty of this. After shooting a commercial about the dangers of texting and driving, I will not text and drive anymore. Seriously, think about how dangerous that is and how it can completely ruin your life in an instant. Although I have never personally lost a friend or family member due to careless driving - texting while driving is a very common issue today with the wave of cell phone use. Most of us are guilty of texting while driving. It's not until something bad happens that you think twice about it. Thankfully my lesson came from an acting job, and not from something I experienced personally. This commercial was an emotional experience for me. I was able to pull from other's unfortunate life experiences to make the dialogue believable. Take the time and pull over when you need to send a text or even read a text for that matter. It can be a life saving decision.

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