Working the Theatre

Just wrapped up a two week run of the play Hermosa Estrano at the Gorilla Theatre in Tampa, Fl. The play was one of five short plays written by award-winning teen writers from the Young Dramatist Project '11.

The whole process of working at a professional theatre was very rewarding and it gave me the confidence I needed to continue with this process called "acting". The play I peformed in was written by Zachary Mullen and directed by Roxanne Fay. The play was a complex psychosexual drama that had a poetic flair. I played a woman named Regina who sought love in the arms of a street hustler named Xavier, played by Jon Gennari. The role was a roller coaster of emotions, sending me on a journey of deep depressing lows. If I had ever doubted myself in the past, this role gave me the confidence I needed to know that I can go to places I never would otherwise want to go to.
