Athena's Photo, a lot of
stress behind this smile. |
Girls night out at Outback |
The craziest audition process came to me one morning when a client wanted to see a current photo of me so that I could be considered for a print job for Outback Steakhouse. No one was at home accept me and my three year old daughter. I had no one who could come over and take a photo of me so that I could submit it to my agent who would then submit it to the client. I had to try to get my three year old to take a photo of me that was good enough submit.....the stress was on! Put the camera on a tripod, prop my daughter on a chair and hope that she can push the button when I say so....She did it after much sweat and hoping on my end. She did it! Got the photo after an hour of trying over and over again. Booked the job, and made some new friends. Me and the other girls selected had many laughs sitting at a booth table for the photo shoot, eating good food and drinking mixed drinks while trying to get the perfect shot. Let's just say that getting the perfect shot for the photo shoot was a lot easier than the one my daughter took. Sometimes the process of getting a job can be nerve racking but worth it in the end.
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